Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Rape cases are the burning issues in our country. Every single person talks with total hatred about the culprits of such crimes. Every single person has almost the same suggestions for what should be done with these culprits. Hang them, beat them till death, shoot them, Do anything no matter if it's human or inhuman act.

Such behavior of our common people shows that they hate rapes Isn't it? They do not want any rape case to take place in any part of the world, is that right? They want a totally clean society which is perfect and safe for each and every women on earth, don't they? If this is so then doesn't it imply that these people should be ready to do anything that is required to uproot this evil from the land? But this is not happening and that's the bitter truth. People are just discussing these issues and not doing anything more than that. If you think that this is not so then go and find out that how many of all the people who are against rapes has done something to fight against it? I'm not saying that nobody is doing anything but I'm talking about the majority. This majority picks up the newspaper, read the news, shows its anger towards what it read and then puts the newspaper back on the table. And to that majority I want to say that discussions do not end problems but actions do!

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